
2023-12-21 来源:旧番剧
Follow the sea-mew’s flight, 不该随海鸥飞走,
Why did they leave that night 为什么她的香巢
Her nest unguarded? 那天夜晚却无人防守?


“Scarce had I put to sea, “我带着这姑娘,
Bearing the maid with me, 刚刚上船,离开陆地,
Fairest of all was she (在所有的北欧人中
Among the Norsemen! 就数她最美丽!)
When on the white sea-strand, 我们瞧见老喜德布兰
Waving his armed hand, 带着二十名骑兵,
Saw we old Hildebrand, 挥动披甲的手臂,
With twenty horsemen. 来到白色的海滨。
“Then launched they to the blast, “他们迎着风开船,
Bent like a reed each mast, 桅杆像芦苇一样弯,
Yet we were gaining fast, 我们已接近胜利,
When the wind failed us; 风却和我们为难;
And with a sudden flaw 一阵急遽的狂飚
Came round the gusty Skaw, 把船吹向斯科角;
So that our foe we saw 我们看见追踪的敌人
Laugh as he hailed us. 向我们呼喊、狞笑。
“And as to catch the gale “船帆遇到了大风,
Round veered the flapping sail, 拍动着,旋转不停,
