
2023-12-21 来源:旧番剧
Stands looking seaward. 还在向大海瞭望。
“There lived we many years; “我们在哪儿住了许多年;
Time dried the maiden’s tears; 岁月揩干了姑娘的泪痕;
She had forgot her fears, 她已经忘却了恐惧,
She was a mother; 她成了一个母亲;
Death closed her mild blue eyes, 死神合上她温柔的蓝眼,
Under that tower she lies; 她在这座高塔下安寝;
Ne’er shall the sun arise 太阳底下再也不会有
On such another! 另一个这样可爱的人!
“Still grew my bosom then, “寂寞在我的胸中生长,
Still as a stagnant fen! 寂寞得像死水一汪!
Hateful to me were men, 我觉得人们可憎可恨,
The sunlight hateful! 我也憎恨阳光!
In the vast forest here, 在一望无际的深林,
Clad in my warlike gear, 我披挂着戎装,
Fell I upon my spear, 倒在我的枪矛上,
Oh, death was grateful! 啊,令人快意的死亡!
“Thus, seamed with many scars, “这样,弄了一身的伤痕,
Bursting these prison bars, 撞开监牢的大门,
Up to its native stars 我的灵魂升了天,
My soul ascended! 攀登故国的星辰!
There from the flowing bowl 武士的灵魂举盏
Deep drinks the warrior’s soul, 把盈溢的美酒饮干,
Skoal! to the Northland! skoal!” 祝你无恙!北国!祝你无恙!”


