
2023-12-21 来源:旧番剧
‘Death!’ was the helmsman’s hail, ‘死’是舵手的吼声,
‘Death without quarter!’ ‘决不饶命!’
Mid-ships with iron keel 我们用铁的龙骨
Struck we her ribs of steel; 狠狠撞击敌船的钢筋;
Down her black hulk did reel 黑色的船身颠簸摇荡,
Through the black water! 沉入黑色的海心!
“As with his wings aslant, “像一只凶猛的鸬鹚,
Sails the fierce cormorant, 侧斜着翅膀飞翔,
Seeking some rocky haunt, 衔着它的猎获物,
With his prey laden, — 寻找栖宿的岩冈,——
So toward the open main, 我带着这姑娘,
Beating to sea again, 向着茫茫的海洋,
Through the wild hurricane, 再度迎风行驶,
Bore I the maiden 穿越狂飚巨浪。


“Three weeks we westward bore, “我们西行了三个星期,
And when the storm was o’er, 大风暴终于平息,
Cloud-like we saw the shore 瞥见了下风方向延展的
Stretching to leeward; 云霓一般的陆地;
There for my lady’s bower 那儿我盖起一座高塔,
Built I the lofty tower, 作我妻子的闺房,
Which, to this very hour, 它一直到此刻,
