
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Another example is that the answer to the question of the origin of life and the universe, “which came first, the chicken or the egg”, which was explored by ancient philosophers, can be found in the Dongba Sutra.
About death. For example, the Dongba Scriptures say that death is a“return”. After the death of the dead, the Dongba crossed over to the ancestral land or the land of the thirty-three gods. Life is just a passage from one world to another, to meet with long-missed ancestors in another world, or to ascend into the immortal, what a beautiful return! Instantly eliminate human fear of death. At the same time,it warned human beings in the epic “Lubanlurao”: Don"t be infatuated with love, don"t be seduced and commit suicide. If you are born a human being, you should cherish every day of your life. This is a good warning to those who want to commit suicide today: those who commit suicide do not die once and for all, and those who die abnormally can not even return to their ancestors, and will fall into a deeper abyss of pain. The“Divine Road Map” tells people that the karma after death is true and leads people to be upward and good. We usually think that there is only one funeral ceremony, but there are more than a dozen funeral ceremonies in Dongba Sutra, which vary according to age, identity and way of death. Even cremation ceremony is divided according to different age stages, which reflects the ultimate respect for life.
