
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Their eye contact is more enjoyable, and even when it induces stress, most bonobo societies dispel that stress through sexual activity, rather than ripping eachother to pieces.【译】他们的眼神交流更令人愉快,甚至当它引起压力时,大多数倭黑猩猩社会通过性行为来消除这种压力,而不是把对方撕成碎片。【短语】rather than ... 而不是..., 宁可…也不愿...;例句:It is better to express your anger, rather than bottle it up. 生气宁可发泄出来而不要闷在肚内。
【单词】enjoyable [en-"joi-uh-buhl][n"dbl] adj. 有趣的;愉快的【单词】dispel [dih-"spel][d"spel] v. 驱散;消除【单词】sexual ["sek-shoo-uhl]["sekul] adj. 性的;性欲的;有性生殖的;性别的【单词】ripping 原型:rip [rip][rp] v. 撕裂;扯开
It"s a dominance thing.【译】这是一种关于支配倾向的东西。【单词】dominance ["dom-uh-nuhns]["dmnns] n. 支配;控制;统治;优势;【生】优势度,显性
If you lock eyes, it is taken as a challenge/threat.【译】如果你闭上眼睛,就会被视为一种挑战/威胁。
Dogs often avoid it because they recognize in some way, we are their owner.【译】狗经常回避它,因为它们在某种程度上认识到,我们是它们的主人。【单词】avoid [uh-"void]["vd] vt. 避免;逃避
That"s also, why you AREN"T supposed to stare down a gorilla, because then they try to punch your face in.【译】这也是为什么你不应该盯着一只大猩猩,因为它会试图打你的脸。【单词】supposed 原型:suppose [suh-"pohz][s"pz] vt. 假设;假定;认为;想;应该;让(虚拟语气) 【单词】stare [stair][ste] v. 盯着看;凝视【单词】gorilla [guh-"ril-uh][ɡ"rl] n. 大猩猩【单词】punch [puhnch][pnt] vt. 按(键);以拳重击;开洞
