
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
而上述学术起源的方法似乎并没有在学术圈之外扩散太多,相反,那些实践派想法却收获了更广泛的受众。设计思维作为一套管理指南,在2006年左右开始崭露头角。斯坦福大学设计学院(Stanford d.school)和IDEO(一家全球设计公司)的设计师Tim Brown、Roger Martin和David Kelly开始倡导将设计思维应用到商业和创业环境中,他们甚至声称这可以彻底改变管理教育学,于是像宝洁这样的大公司开始采用设计思维,并将许多关键思想融入到他们的流程中,一些创业社区紧随其后,用设计思维来管理他们的商业活动。2011年,Eric Ries从自己的创业经历中总结出一种他称之为“精益创业”的方法。其实这些方法并不新鲜,只是被重新包装来吸引软件业。这是第一次有实践者成功地将实验性的想法融入到创业的环境中,在Ries之前,Steve Blank也提出了类似的想法,但他的方法并没有像Ries的方法那样受到广泛的欢迎和认可,结果精益创业方法开始在硅谷这样的创业天堂传播,并迅速在全球创业者中获得了广泛的关注,其他实践者也加入了这一新兴运动,并为拟议的指导方针添加了细微改动。
1. A witness to this claim is the presence of the lean startup methodology (Ries 2011), customer development (Blank and Dorf 2012), and design thinking (Brown 2009) books on Amazon’s top 20 business books list, and the corresponding absence of books on more scholarly grounded entrepreneurial methods. Another witness to this claim is an online review the authors conducted of syllabi of the top ten entrepreneurship programs worldwide according to the Eduniversal master’s program ranking website. Business planning was mentioned at seven of the ten programs, the lean startup methodology and its siblings business model generation andcustomer developmentwere mentioned at six of them , and design thinking was mentioned as reading essentials at five of them. Of the scholarly grounded entrepreneurial methods, only effectuation was mentioned, and only at one of the programs.
