
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
2.4A three-tier framework for prescriptions of entrepreneurial methods 创业方法的三层框架
An organizing framework constituted of three levels was recently proposed by Mansoori (2015). The framework consists of the three levels of logic, model and tactics (see Fig. 1). Logic touches on issues that need to be dealt with at a higher level of thought and ognition; model acts as an intermediate level bridging thought and action, facilitating the transfer of entrepreneurial knowledge from prescribers to those seeking advice; and tactics concern the tools and practical strategies at a lower level of action and interaction. Mansoori(2015, 2017)claims that this framework can be used for severa purposes, such as guiding the design and development of effective entrepreneurial methods, improving the comprehensibility of advice given to entrepreneurs, and facilitating the comparisons of different entrepreneurial methods in more structured ways. The framework can act as a bridge between scholars and practitioners, validating that entrepreneurial methods have the potential to connect ideas and actions in pragmatic ways. Given that scholars have been lamenting the gap between theory and practice (Frank and Landstrm 2016; Rynes et al. 2001; Weick 2001; Banks et al. 2016; Van de Ven and Johnson 2006), this new role for entrepreneurial methods could gain prominence and attention (Mansoori 2017).
