
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
While some methods appear similar upon first glance, variations in the details are often relatively large. Whereas effectuation calls for entrepreneurs to manage uncertainty by taking action to create the future, in the lean startup methodology, entrepreneurs discover the future through testing carefully designed hypotheses. Effectuation further advises entrepreneurs to expand self-knowledge through introspection (Dew and Sarasvathy2010),in contrast to design thinking,in which entrepreneurs derive knowledge through observational studies of other people. While effectuation defines a redirection situation as an opportunity to “leverage contingencies,”the lean startup methodology frames redirection as an unfortunate but necessary “pivot”. In the lean startup methodology and in effectuation, continuous learning comes primarily from interactions with customers and stakeholders, respectively, whereas in design thinking, continuous learning comes primarily from testing prototypes on users. Effectuation describes the iterative process as revolving around stakeholder commitments, where as it erations in the lean start up methodo logy and design thinking have to do with building frugal prototypes. Effectuation is largely focused on value creation for oneself and the team, whereas the lean startup methodology and design thinking are focused on value creation for others (i.e., for customers and users).
