
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
既不单纯关注狭义的创业实践教育,也不能只谈广义的创业者教育,而更多关注基于价值创造的创业教育。基于“价值创造”的创业教育从核心价值出发,不仅关注人在专业的提升,更强调其在专创融合方面的成长、能力体系培养,实现对整体价值的提升,让人不仅具备干事的水平,更要学会成事的能力。这种教育更适合所有的的高校本专科阶段的学生和教师共学、共创、共享,所以在大学低年级开设创业教育课程应具体体现在“创业思维层面”,高年级则体现在价值创造层面即创业能力 专创融合。创业教育作为通识必修课也成为更具时代感的教育理论。
Entrepreneurship viewed as new value creation is a perspective gaining ground in entrepreneurial education. Educators have found it to be a helpful approach in order to escape a situation where the two established ways to infuse entrepreneurship into education are both quite problematic. A value creation view on entrepreneurship, however, currently lacks a clear answer to a crucial question: What is value? Responding to this research gap, the article presents a value framework consisting of five different kinds of value: economic, enjoyment, social, harmony and influence value. Each kind of value can be experienced and created both for oneself and for others, thus constituting a total of ten different perspectives on value. This value framework has in practice been useful for teachers working with educational design. It has also been useful for research on assessment of the impact entrepreneurial education has on students, leading to new insights that could improve the effectiveness of entrepreneurial education. The value framework also casts new light on what entrepreneurship is and why people engage in entrepreneurship. A limitation of the work presented here is the inherent difficulty in conducting a systematic literature review on a term as generic as“value”.
