
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
行为经济学结合经济学和其他领域的实证研究人类行为----主要是心理学,但也包括其他领域。这一领域的先驱者是诺贝尔经济学奖获得主赫伯特 · 西蒙(Herbert Simon) ,他修正了新古典主义经济学的理性假设,指出理性受到信息缺乏、人类认知能力有限以及存在多重和不断变化的个人需求的“限制”。根据西蒙的研究,人类对此的反应应该是认真听取他人的建议,在社会环境中不断学习,内化经验法则和启发式教学法,这些经验法则将来可用于决定采取何种行动。这导致了有时表现为利他主义的行为,即在没有预期互惠的情况下帮助他人,偏离了自我优化行为的主流经济学假设。它究竟是一种利他主义,还是一种面向未来、动态的、“聪明”的微妙利己主义形式,成为了学者们经常讨论的问题。
A widely applied value framework in behavioral economics has been developed by Sheth, Newman and Gross (1991). They took consumer decisions as a starting point of empirical analysis and ended up with five different values influencing consumer choice: functional, emotional, epistemic, social and conditional value. Functional value refers to consumers’ perceived utility in terms of product function or performance. Emotional value stems from a capacity of products to arouse feelings that consumers value. Epistemic value is based on consumers’ curiosity, novelty, and desire to learn. Social value is derived from utility related to consumers’ participation in groups. Examples include jewelry, clothing, gifts and cars that convey a desirable image to others (Sheth et al., 1991, p. 161). Finally, conditional value depends on needs that arise out of situations such as seasons and cultural events, where consumers would otherwise be at odds with the situation they find themselves in. With its focus on how consumers choose between alternative products, this framework aligns more with the singular view of a self-serving homo oeconomicus. Still, the framework illustrates how consumers combine multiple values to form perceptions of utility. These five consumer values are shown in Table 1 below.
