
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Another value framework anchored in psychology has been developed by Seligman (2012), consisting of five measurable elements of subjective well-being; positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning and achievement. Positive emotion is interpreted as a mood induced by a pleasant life. Engagement is interpreted as being in “flow,” being completely absorbed by a task and losing track of time. Relationships are interpreted as meaningful experiences shared with other people, often in close and long-term relationships. Meaning is interpreted as belonging to and serving something that is bigger than the self, often despite its sometimes detrimental impact on other elements in the framework. Achievement is interpreted as achieving one’s goals solely for their own sake, isolated from any eventual resulting impact on the four other elements of the framework, i.e. winning just for the sake of winning. These five elements of well-being are shown in Table 1 below.
