
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
鉴于价值创造对创业的核心作用,有理由可以预测之前概述的关于价值的所有观点在一定程度上已经被创业学者讨论过。与创业最相关的一种最明显的价值可以说是经济价值了。事实上,Korsgaard 和 Anderson 指出,在创业中,这甚至是理所当然的。社会价值是创业研究的另一个重要主题,以社会创业为例,熊彼特在20世纪早期提出了一个不太明显的价值,认为创造的乐趣是人们创业行为的一个重要价值。虽然通过寻找日常生活中的不和谐来寻求和谐可能不是创业研究的共同主题,但也有人提出,这是一个有用的、理论上有充分根据的观点,可以用于教育目的的创业。Thrane et al。Spinosa 等人在1999年出版的一本有影响力的书中也提出了一种以名誉和成就为导向的观点,认为创业是通过经济或政治历史改变社会的。下面的表1显示了这五个关于创业的观点。
Table 1. Five prototypic kinds of value creation derived from sociological theories.


Notes: a (Boltanski & Thévenot, 2006), b (Sheth et al., 1991), c (Fiske, 2008), d (Seligman, 2012), e (Korsgaard & Anderson, 2011), f (Spinosa et al., 1999), g (Goss, 2005), h (Tan et al., 2005), i (Blenker et al., 2011)
Value creation for oneself versus for others
A key theme emerging from the value literature review is for whom value is created: for oneself versus for others. The scale stretches from Smith’s (1776) famous assertion that the butcher acts solely on self-interest, through Sen’s claim (Ben-Ner & Putterman, 1999) that such an assumption so common in neoclassical economic thinking is in fact a trap, to Simon’s (2005) explanation that the frequent occurrence of altruism in social and economic everyday life comes from people’s strong desires to learn from, belong to, contribute to and develop relations with other human beings. Since space here does not permit a lengthy discussion on altruism versus egoism, some key conclusions from an article by Lackéus (2017b) on this topic will be used to complement the value framework. Instead of making a futile attempt to disentangle doing good from doing well, the differing perspectives will instead be viewed in a Hegelian dialectical way: as two sides of the same coin. Hegel labeled this ‘sublation’, implying a unity of opposites without eliminating or reducing either end position (Hegel, 1807/1977; Palm, 2009). In the resulting value framework in Figure 1 this unity of opposites is therefore illustrated graphically with the yin and yang shape found in Chinese thinking, representing “two primal, separate standing, yet complementary forces found in all things” (Chen et al., 2010, p. 175). This view also aligns with arguments put forward by Dewey (1939), Polanyi (1944) and Stark (2011), all stating that disembedding and dichotomizing self-oriented value creation from others-oriented value creation is a detrimental and dangerous path to take.
