
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
The literature review conducted here has resulted in five main kinds of value, see Table 1. While the literature could be summarized as consisting of more, less or indeed other kinds of prototypic value than the ones shown in Table 1, the table nevertheless illustrates that opting for these five main kinds of value creation captures most perspectives in a reasonably consistent way. The five kinds are labeled as follows: economic, enjoyment, social, harmony and influence value creation. Economic value creation could be viewed as primarily self-oriented attempts to create value for oneself by delivering what others want. Enjoyment value creation could be viewed as value creation just for the pure joy and fun of it. Social value creation could be viewed as a others-oriented kind of value creation focused on making other people happier or relieving their suffering. Harmony value creation could be viewed as value creation that makes more sense as a whole, culturally or in relation to collective values such as fairness, ecology, equality and the common good. Influence value creation could be viewed as creating value in order to increase one’s influence, power or historical legacy.
