
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
本文进行的文献综述得出了五种主要的价值,见表1。虽然文献可以归纳出比表1更多、更少或包含其他类型的原型价值,但该表还是能说明,这五种主要类型的价值创造可以以合理一致的方式抓住了大多数观点。这五种类型分别为: 经济价值,娱乐价值,社会价值,和谐价值和影响价值。经济价值可以被看作是主要以自我为导向的尝试,通过满足他人的需求来为自己创造价值;娱乐价值纯粹是为了娱乐而创造的价值;社会价值是一种以他人为导向的价值创造,专注于让他人更快乐或减轻他们的痛苦;和谐价值在是在整体上、文化上或与公平、生态、平等和共同利益等集体价值有关的、更有意义的价值创造;影响力价值可以看作是为了增加自己的影响力、权力或历史遗产而来的创造价值。
Towards a value framework
While Table 1 clarifies the relationship between different views on value, it does not show how the five different kinds of value relate to egoistic vs altruistic perspectives, or how singular and plural conceptions of value relate to each other. Therefore, a graphical representation of the five different kinds of value is shown in Figure 1, showing how the pluralistic views on value discussed in section 3.3 integrate with the singular view on value discussed in section 3.2. The five different kinds of value creation from Table 1 are illustrated in Figure 1. All five kinds of value are pictured as relying on a common integrated core of value for oneself and for others. Figure 1 thus contains ten different value perspectives: an egoistic and an altruistic take on each of the five different kinds of value. While the usual view on economic value would be to think of it in terms of economic value for oneself, the framework illustrates that economic value can be created also for others. Social value can be created not only for others, but also for oneself. The white line in Figure 1 illustrates a key point made by Polanyi (1944) and Granovetter (1985) around economic value being embedded in society as a whole, and serves here as a reminder of the risks associated with disembedding economic value for oneself from the nine other perspectives on value.
