
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
这种对不同价值观的探索始于对教师提出的一个简单问题的回答。现在提供的答案都总结在图1的框架中,代表了对这个问题的一个可能且相对清晰的回答: 什么是价值?老师们对价值至少有十种不同的看法: 五种以自我为中心,五种以他人为中心。虽然该框架可能给人留下它们都是相对独立的印象,但文献综述强调必须考虑在所有创业经历活动中同时存在十种不同的观点的重要性,尽管对于不同的人和不同的情况而言,只是程度各不相同而已。所有这十种观点都可能在某种程度上出现在一个企业或学生创业者一天的生活中,不管它是随小时变化,还是随分钟变化,这取决于他的一天是如何展开的。
While Figure 1 is indeed a simplification, the broad and interdisciplinary literature review conducted here illustrates the usefulness of a heuristic that can summarize such a complex term as “value” into one single graphical representation. For teachers who need such an overview in order to be able to apply value creation based entrepreneurial education in their teaching, such a simplification could be important. Initial testing of the framework on teachers taking part in professional development activities has confirmed this. The value framework frequently triggered a deeper understanding among teachers. It also helped them in designing value creation assignments for their students by making explicit different possible starting points. The framework has also facilitated scholarly assessment of entrepreneurial education, allowing for detailed comparisons of different kinds of entrepreneurial education along dimensions not previously taken into account (Lackéus, 2017a). An interesting finding from these comparisons is that enjoyment value for others and influence value for oneself seem to be particularly powerful for students in entrepreneurial education. The framework has thus emerged as a useful tool for both practitioners and researchers in recent attempts to develop value creation-based entrepreneurial education. While certainly not the first value framework to be presented, it is particularly suited for issues related to value creation based entrepreneurial education.
