
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
图1中的框架也可以被看作是对一个修改过、更普遍的问题的回答: 如果创业是关于新的价值创造,那么到底什么才是价值?因此,图1提供的答案可能引发关于创业的新观点,偏离了社会创业与经济创业的共同二元观点。而正如图1所示的,由十个不同的视角组成的创业观点,会更加的多元化,它允许在创业中有十个根本不同但同时又经过整合的动机。因此,价值框架有助于人们更深入地理解什么是创业,以及为什么人们要创业。这也意味着需要避免将社会创业作为一种独特的创业加以区分,因为这种行为可能意味着市场与社会的危险分离或价值与价值观的危险二分法。由于该框架尚未在创业教育领域之外进行过测试,它是否能够更广泛地用于分析和促进创业进程还有待观察,但它代表了未来工作的一种可能性。
The value framework in relation to valuation studies
The framework in Figure 1 represents an alternative to the dualistic Parson’s Pact-based view of separating value from values (Stark, 2011), since economic value for oneself is part of an integrated pluralistic framework rather than put against other kinds of value. The framework also summarizes graphically some important points made by key valuation scholars, such as the importance of viewing multiple kinds of value as simultaneously integrated (Boltanski & Thévenot, 2006), the importance of considering both egoistic and altruistic perspectives on value (Simon, 1993) and the risk of disembedding economic value for oneself from the nine other perspectives on value presented here (Stark, 2011; Granovetter, 1985). This summarizing capacity of Figure 1 makes it useful as a graphical heuristic also in valuation studies. Figure 1 could also be one of the first meta-frameworks of value to be proposed, summarizing four established sociological value frameworks and five different kinds of entrepreneurship into one single framework that also integrates singular perspectives on value. The many established and well-researched frameworks and publications informing the articulation of Figure 1 increase the likelihood that it covers most of the essential perspectives on value to be found.
