
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
The value framework in relation to entrepreneurship
The framework in Figure 1 could also be viewed as an answer to a modified question that is more general: If entrepreneurship is about new value creation, what, then, is value? The answer provided by Figure 1 could thus trigger new perspectives on entrepreneurship, departing from the common dualistic view of social versus economic entrepreneurship (cf. Austin et al., 2006). A view of entrepreneurship as consisting of ten different perspectives as shown in Figure 1 is more pluralistic, allowing for ten fundamentally different but at the same time integrated motives to engage in entrepreneurship. The value framework thus contributes to a deeper understanding of what entrepreneurship is, and why people engage in entrepreneurship. This also implies a need to avoid separating out social entrepreneurship as one distinct kind of entrepreneurship, since such an act could represent a dangerous disembedding of the market from the society (cf. Polanyi, 1944; Granovetter,1985) or a risky dichotomization of value versus values (Stark, 2011cf. ; Dewey, 1939). Since the framework has not yet been tested outside the field of entrepreneurial education, it remains to be seen if it could be used to analyze and facilitate entrepreneurial processes more in general. This represents a possibility for future work.
