
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
虽然表1阐明了不同价值观之间的关系,但它没有说明五种不同的价值观是如何与利己主义和利他主义的观点相联系的,或者单一和多元的价值观之间是如何相互联系的。因此用图1----五种不同类型价值的图形----来显示多元价值观是如何与单一价值观相结合的。表1中的五种不同类型的价值创造如图1所示。所有五种价值被描绘为依赖于一个共同的、为自己和为他人的综合的核心价值。因此,图1就包含了十种不同的价值观: 利己主义和利他主义对五种不同价值观的每一种都有不同的看法。虽然经济价值的观点通常是认为它的经济价值是为自己的,但这个框架却说明了,经济价值也是可以为他人创造的。社会价值不仅可以为他人创造,也可以为自己创造。图1中的白线说明了Polanyi 和Granovetter提出的一个关键点,即经济价值作为一个整体嵌入社会中,并在此提醒人们从其他九个关于价值的观点中剥离自己的经济价值所带来的风险。
The resulting value framework will now be discussed in relation to three different fields: entrepreneurial education, entrepreneurship and valuation studies. Each sub-discussion will treat issues of novelty, usefulness and implications separately for the field in question.
现在将结合三个不同领域讨论由此产生的价值框架: 创业教育、创业和估值研究。每个子讨论将分别针对所讨论的领域处理那些具有新颖性、实用性和影响力的问题。
The value framework in relation to entrepreneurial education
This exploration into different views of value started as a quest for answers to a simple question posed by teachers. The answer now provided is summarized in the framework in Figure 1, representing one possible and relatively clear answer to that question: What is value? There are at least ten different perspectives teachers can take on value: five self-oriented and five others-oriented. While the framework could give the impression that they are all separate, the literature review has emphasized the importance of regarding all ten perspectives as simultaneously present in all entrepreneurial experiences, albeit to a varying degree for different people and in different situations. All ten perspectives could probably be present to some extent in one single day of the life of a business or student entrepreneur, with the emphasis changing hour by hour or even minute by minute, depending on how the day unfolds.
