2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
经济社会学是对经济现象的社会学观点的研究。该领域的一个关键论点是,市场需要被视为嵌入社会当中去。波兰尼(Polanyi)声称,任何将市场从社会中分离出去的企图都将产生灾难性的后果,这种尝试将引发危险的反运动,如威权主义和法西斯主义。这将经济社会学定位为对新古典主义和新自由主义两种观点的攻击,因为它们在上述自由和理性的经济人观点中是统一的。经济社会学不仅仅是通过社会学家的工作取得进步的,而且经济学家曾经还试图整合经济学和社会学这两个领域。阿玛蒂亚森(Amartya Sen)曾经说过: “我们不应该落入这样的陷阱,即在任何意义上,假定纯粹的利己主义者都比假定其他价值观更基本”。
(Ben-Ner & Putterman, 1999, p. xii)。Boltanski and Thévenot (2006) have developed one of the main theoretical frameworks for value analysis in economic sociology. The framework consists of six different “worlds” of value. In the “world of inspiration,” it is qualities such as creativity, imagination and passion that are valued. In the “industrial world,” what is valued is productivity, predictability and performance. The “market world” celebrates competition, rationality and desire for scarce goods and self-benefit. In the “domestic world,” worth is determined by hierarchies, or relationships between people and their associated esteem. The “world of fame” positions value in the number of people who gain their recognition through reliance on “appearance, stardom and superficiality” (Boivin & Roch, 2006, p. 411). Finally, the “civic world” encapsulates collective common good values such as fairness, democracy and solidarity. These six worlds of value are shown in Table 1 below.