
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Economic sociology
Economic sociology is the study of sociological perspectives on economic phenomena (Smelser & Swedberg, 2005). A key argument in the field is that markets need to be viewed as embedded in society (Polanyi, 1944; Granovetter, 1985). Polanyi claimed that any attempt to disembed markets from society will have disastrous consequences, and that such attempts will trigger dangerous counter-movements such as authoritarianism and fascism (Gemici, 2008; Smelser & Swedberg, 2005; Harvey, 2005). This has positioned economic sociology as an attack on both neoclassical and neoliberal views, united as they are in their view of the free and rational homo oeconomicus outlined above (Peck, 2008; Smelser & Swedberg, 2005). Economic sociology has not advanced only through the work of sociologists (Swedberg, 1990); economists have also made attempts to integrate the two fields of economics and sociology. Amartya Sen has stated that “we should not fall into the trap of presuming that the assumption of pure self-interest is, in any sense, more elementary than assuming other values” (Ben-Ner & Putterman, 1999, p. xii).
