
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
新古典主义经济学是在这样的假设下研究供给和需求:市场是由使自己(或公司)利益最大化的个体组成的。新自由主义是将新古典主义经济学政治化,主张社会通过让每个个体实现自身利益最大化来实现集体福祉的最大化。新古典主义和新自由主义经济学都采取了与史密斯和边沁所表达的价值相似的立场:价值只是由价值的接受者来决定——效用最大化的消费者行使其自由选择权。这里使用的术语不是“价值”,而是“效用”,在语义和概念上都符合边沁的功利主义。这代表了一种主观的价值观 ,并在19世纪70年代由Walras ,Menger 和杰文斯引入。这些价值理论都是相互独立的,它们的灵感来自于受到场能量方程的物理学启发而新发现的。它们解决了商品的“自然”(即客观)价值与波动的市场价格之间令人费解的差异。简单地说就是,市场价值就是商品的价值,用数学术语表示就是效用程度不同的力场之间不存在商品的”自然”价值这种东西。
Strategic management—value creation as strategic capability
A practitioner oriented scholarly field that has embraced the term“value” is that of strategic management of firms. Normann and Ramirez (1993, p. 65) start a seminal article in the field by stating that“Strategy is the art of creating value.” Ever since Porter (1985) introduced the idea of analyzing a firm’s “value chain,” i.e. the chain of activities that generate value for a firm’s customers, the term value has been widely used by strategic management scholars and practitioners alike (Lopdrup-Hjorth, 2013). According to strategic management literature, there are a number of more or less tangible factors determining a firm’s value creation capacity: activities (Porter, 1985), resources (Wernerfelt, 1984), core competencies (Hamel & Prahalad, 1990), social networks for co-creation (Normann & Ramirez, 1993), dynamic capabilities and intellectual assets (Teece et al., 1997). All these attempts to explore where value comes from could be interpreted as an unexpected revival of ideas from classical economics, since they all try to trace the journey of value through the production system in a manner similar to the abandoned substance value theories (LopdrupHjorth, 2013). In recent work studying an increasingly common co-creation logic, such a linear view of production, exchange and consumption of value however falls apart to some extent. In today’s networked society, it has become increasingly difficult to tell producers of value apart from consumers of value. Social media platforms and banks are particular examples of this (Fuchs, 2012).
