
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
I must, in the first place, point out the thoroughly ambiguous and unscientific character of the term value. Adam Smith noticed the extreme difference of meaning between value in use and value in exchange; (...) I often detect myself using the word improperly; (...) To avoid all difficulty, I shall discontinue the use of the word Value altogether (Jevons, 1871, p. 81–83)
首先,我必须指出“价值”这个术语的完全模糊和不科学的性质。亚当 · 史密斯(Adam Smith)注意到使用价值和交换价值在意义的极端差异;我经常发现自己用词不当。为了避免这一切,我决定完全停止使用“价值”这个词。
The resulting emphasis on demand (i.e. utility) and consequent neglect of supply (i.e. value creation) led, however, to significant limitations in the ability to explain phenomena pertaining to creation of new value (Mirowski, 1991), which is a key topic in entrepreneurship.
