
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
斯塔克引用杜威(Dewey) 的理论,指出诸如价值与价值观、经济与社会、计算与判断、估计与尊重等二分法将知识分子与情感分离的危险。他们都指出,这种分离会导致围绕人类行为和价值的错误假设。斯塔克指出,“价值”一词是一个连接术语,因为它既有经济意义,也有道德意义。虽然语言学没有提出具体的解决方案,但它说明和让我们意识到二分法在这里起的错误作用。其他连接术语,如“社会经济学”,已经被提出用来描述当今社会中以开放、共享、共同创造和全球网络为特征的价值创造的新领域和新形式,它们颠覆了单一的价值分类。一个被称为“估值研究”的新兴学术领域试图将来自许多不同学科的大量学者联合起来,研究与价值和估值有关的问题。
Value according to economists—a singular view
A common basis for economic views of value is the assumption of homo oeconomicus, i.e. that humans are strictly rational in their daily utility calculations, always aiming to optimize (or at least satisfice) their own interests (Hirshleifer, 1985; Lemke, 2001; Lindenberg, 1990; Ghoshal, 2005). A well-quoted passage in a seminal book by the founder of modern economics, Adam Smith (1776, p. 7), illustrates this well: “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest”. Such a utilitarian position was also developed by Bentham (1776, p. ii), who stated that what is deemed valuable should be guided by people’s perceived pleasures and pains, and that society therefore should strive for “the greatest happiness for the greatest number.” Economists have conceptualized value in at least three main different ways: as an objective substance inherent in valuable artifacts; as a subjective utility perceived by a consumer, and as a creation process where the ability to create value is determined by various circumstances. They will now be briefly outlined.
