
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
“价值”一词在经济学领域中经常被使用。在马克思(Marx)、史密斯(Smith )和李嘉图(Ricardo )等古典经济学家中眼中,他们对价值发展的三个阶段的框架有一个共识,即: 价值的产生(或创造)、流通(或贸易/交换)和消费(或使用/毁灭)。然而,价值作为一个概念,它比这些简单的框架更难以让人捉摸,因此社会学家拟定了一个更加多元化的价值观。事实上,围绕价值的讨论可以被看作是经济学家和社会学家之间的分歧,帕森的契约就是一个例子。20世纪中叶,哈佛大学不同部门之间达成了一项协议: “经济学家研究经济学家的价值,社会学家研究社会学家的价值”。单一价值观和多重价值观之间的这种划分归根结底是一个不同的、或多或少不可通约性价值之间的可通约性、可计算性和可比性程度的问题。
A singular and standardized measure of value is often viewed as a requirement for scientific calculations, for example in economics, where such calculations are used to mathematically determine prices and predict markets (Mirowski, 1991). In any such attempt to arrive at a singular notion of value, there is a logically necessary but at the same time detrimental assumption around assumed stability and conservation of value, leading to major difficulties and inconsistencies. This makes modern economic theories apt for treating mature markets where focus is on routine value creation, prices, consumption and situations of equilibrium, yet less useful for analyzing entrepreneurial value creation, innovation, co-creation and production (Lopdrup-Hjorth, 2013; Mirowski, 1991; Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004). Narrow economic value calculations also marginalize and silence other values such as fairness, ecology, equality and the common good (Lopdrup-Hjorth, 2013; Kjellberg et al., 2013). Economic sociologist Stark (2011, p.6) asks::
