
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Neoclassical and neoliberal economics—value as subjective utility
Neoclassical economics studies supply and demand under the assumption that markets consist of rational individuals maximizing their own benefit (or that of their firm). Neoliberalism is neoclassical economics turned into politics, asserting that society maximizes well-being of the collective by letting each individual maximize their own benefit (Harvey, 2005). Neoclassical and neoliberal economics both take a similar position to value as that expressed by Smith and Bentham: what is valuable is simply up to the recipient of value to determine—the utility-maximizing consumer exerting her freedom of choice. Here the term used is not“value,”but instead“utility,”semantically and conceptually in line with Bentham’s utilitarianism. This represents a subjective view of value (Meynhardt & von Müller, 2014), and was introduced in the 1870s by Walras (1874), Menger (1871) and Jevons (1871). These theories of value were all, independently of each other, inspired by new discoveries in physics around field energy equations (Mirowski, 1991). They allowed for solving the puzzling discrepancy between the “natural” (i.e. objective) value of goods and fluctuating market prices (Meynhardt and von Müller, 2014). The solution was simply to say that the market value is the value of goods, illustrated in mathematical terms as a force field of differing levels of utility, and that there is no such thing as a “natural” value of goods. The use of field equations also allowed for unprecedented mathematical precision and complexity in economic calculations of utility, opening up for new levels of analysis,explanation and prediction (Mirowski, 1991).
