
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
China"s position on relations with the US is clear-cut. The US should adopt an objective and correct perception of China and choose to work with China in the same direction, uphold mutual respect and fair competition, pursue peaceful coexistence and strive for sound and steady development of bilateral relations.
Bloomberg: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned during a visit to India of a rising global threat to democracy. He added that the two world"s leading democracies continue to stand together in support of these ideals. Blinken seemed to be raising concerns about China here though he didn"t name China directly. Can you give a comment on this matter?
赵立坚:我想强调的是,民主是全人类共同价值,不是某个国家的专利。实现民主的形式丰富多彩,没有固定模式,也不存在标准答案。一人一票、多党制并不是实现民主的唯一形式。民主不应成为抹黑贬损他国,挑动对立对抗的标签和工具。哪个国家民主,哪个国家专制也不是由少数国家来定义。贬低他人,抬高自己的做法本身就不民主。 Zhao Lijian: I want to stress that democracy is a common value shared by all, not a patent owned by any country. To achieve democracy, there are various ways rather than a fixed formula or a standard answer. "One-man, one-vote" and a multi-party system is not the sole form of democracy. Democracy should not be used as a label or tool to belittle or smear other countries or stoke confrontations. Which country is a democracy and which an autocracy should not be determined by a very small number of countries. Debasing others while elevating oneself in itself is not democratic at all.
