
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Zhao Lijian: China extends warm congratulations. Before the session started, ICOMOS, a professional advisory body, had advised deferral on this project. However, the World Heritage Committee decided through discussion that the project merits a world heritage"s outstanding universal value and its authenticity, integrity, conservation and management all meet basic inscription requirements. Therefore it finally decided on its inscription on the World Heritage List. China endorsed the amendment to the draft decision in support of the inscription. During this session, China has called on members to contribute wisdom and strength to the Global Strategy for a Representative, Balanced and Credible World Heritage List. We also urged parties to pay more attention to underrepresented countries and regions, especially African countries and small island developing nations, and to give more support to developing countries in heritage protection, including with regard to capacity-building, so that the List could better reflect the full spectrum of our world"s diverse cultural and natural treasures.
