
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
日方以口头和书面方式多次向包括中国在内的世界遗产委员会委员国及联合国教科文组织承诺,未来不会以任何理由将遗产地范围拓展到奄美大岛、德之岛、冲绳岛北部和西表岛内陆以外,遗产大会通过的决定也重申了日方所做承诺。希望日方信守承诺,以实际行动维护世界遗产名录的声誉和世界遗产大会决定的权威。 Zhao Lijian: The relevant decision was adopted by the extended 44th session of the World Heritage Committee (WHC). The Japanese side has made its promise in verbal and written forms to the member states of the WHC including China and UNESCO that it would not extend the inscribed area beyond the land areas of Amami-Oshima Island, Tokunoshima Island, northern part of Okinawa Island and Iriomote Island for any reasons in the future. The decision adopted at the session also reiterated Japan"s pledge. We hope the Japanese side can honor its promise, and safeguard the reputation of the World Heritage List and the authority of the WHC with real actions.
湖北广电记者:科特迪瓦北部的苏丹风格清真寺项目通过审议成功列入世界遗产名录,据了解这是非洲国家在本届大会上列入名录的首个项目。请问你对此有何评论? Hubei Media Group: The Sudanese style mosques in northern Cte d"Ivoire was inscribed on UNESCO"s World Heritage List. This is said to be the first African project to be inscribed on the list during this session. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:中方对此表示祝贺!会前,专业咨询机构国际古迹遗址保护理事会对该项目作出“发还重报”的建议。
