
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
第三,美国大搞胁迫,四处挥舞“黑手”。美国通过胁迫、施压等各种方式,妄图使科学家在其霸权、霸凌面前低头,转而支持“实验室泄漏论”。据报道,许多不愿屈服的科学人士因此饱受人身攻击和谩骂威胁,有的专家不得不辞职以维护其所坚守的科学立场。 Third, the US has been obsessive with coercion and playing dirty tricks all around. Through coercive and pressurizing means, the US intends to force scientists to bow and turn to support the "lab leak" theory in the face of their hegemony, bullying and coercion. According to reports, many of the unyielding in the scientific community have been suffering verbal abuse, physical assaults and threats, and some of them had to resign in defence of their scientific positions.
事实胜于雄辩,人心岂容愚弄。美国借溯源搞政治操弄的做法已经遭到国际社会的普遍反对。截至目前,已有60国致函世卫组织总干事,强调病毒溯源是一项科学任务,不能被政治化,中国—世卫组织联合研究报告应该得到维护。多国政要、媒体、专家、民众纷纷以不同方式发声,谴责美国将溯源政治化的做法。中国网民呼吁世卫组织调查美国德特里克堡生物实验室的联署签名已经超过1600多万。我们正告美方,在事实、科学、正义面前,政治操弄不得人心,只会以失败告终。 Facts speak louder than words. People shall not be deceived or manipulated. The US side"s political manipulation of the origin-tracing process has been widely rejected by the international community. As of now, 60 countries have written to the WHO Director-General Tedros to stress that tracing the origins of the virus is a scientific matter and should not be politicized, and the joint WHO-China study report should be upheld. In many countries, condemnation of the US side"s politicization of the issue has been expressed by political leaders, media outlets, experts and the general public. In China alone, over 16 million netizens have endorsed the open letter calling on the WHO to investigate the Fort Detrick bio-lab. A solemn reminder to the US side: in the face of facts, science and justice, political manipulation will gain no support and is doomed to fail.
