
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
第一,美国歪曲事实,散布虚假信息。美国罔顾中国—世卫组织联合报告结论,援引一些没有真凭实据的官员或情报信息,大肆炒作“病毒是从武汉病毒研究所泄漏的”。美国如此蛊惑人心、混淆视听,妄图将莫须有的罪名扣给中国,就是为了转移视线,掩盖自身早期病例和疑点重重的生物实验室真相。 First, the US has distorted facts and spread disinformation. While turning a blind eye to the conclusions of the Joint WHO-China Study, the US has cited groundless information from some officials or intelligence channels to hype up the theory that "the virus was leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology". Such moves to mislead the public, muddy the water and scapegoat China are only aimed to deflect attention and cover up early cases in the US and the truth of the suspicion-shrouded biological laboratories.
第二,美国违背科学,鼓吹情报调查。为了实现“实验室泄漏论”的预设立场,美国抛弃科学研究,大言不惭地宣称让情报部门在90天内拿出溯源调查结论。这一做法不科学、不客观、不严谨,就是一场彻头彻尾的政治闹剧。 Second, the US violates science in clamoring for an investigation led by the intelligence community. To substantiate its predetermined conclusion of a lab leak, the US set aside scientific research and brazenly ordered its intelligence community to come up with a conclusion on the origin of the virus within 90 days. This act is not science-based, objective or serious. It"s a total political farce.
