
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
The two sides exchanged congratulations on the centenary of the CPC and the Mongolian People"s Party. A broad range of consensus was reached on epidemic response, trade, environmental protection, cultural and multilateral cooperation. Both firmly support multilateralism and reject unilateralism. The two sides called on the international community to act with a stronger awareness that mankind has a shared future and effectively deal with the pandemic. A joint statement on further strengthening anti-epidemic cooperation was released, which affirmed the two sides" commitment to jointly build a community of health. Both welcomed the report of the Joint WHO-China Study of Origins of SARS-CoV-2, stressed that study of origins is a scientific task that should not be politicized, and called for a global study in this regard.


新华社记者:CGTN智库7月26日发布网上民意调查报告显示,参与投票的全球网民80%认为新冠病毒溯源问题已经被政治化。发言人有何评论? Xinhua News Agency: According to an online survey report released by CGTN Think Tank on July 26, 80% of the global netizens who participated in the poll believe "the issue of virus tracing on COVID-19 has been politicized". What"s your comment on this? 赵立坚:CGTN智库使用联合国官方语言中文、英语、俄语、法语、西班牙语和阿拉伯语进行的民调,反映了全球民众对美国将溯源问题政治化的严重不满。
