
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
参与投票的网民用不同的语言表达了一样的心声,即“新冠病毒起源调查没有解决大流行的控制问题,这是掩盖美国企图遏制中国崛起的愚蠢无益的政治策略”。 Zhao Lijian: The CGTN Think Tank poll in the UN official languages including Chinese, English, Russian, French, Spanish and Arabic has shown strong global disapproval with the US politicization of study of origins. Participants have voiced their shared opinion in different languages that "the investigation of the origin of the virus does not help to solve the problem of pandemic control. This is nothing but a stupid and unhelpful political move to cover up the United States" attempt to contain China"s rise."
一段时间以来,美国为了转移自身抗疫不力的责任,达到抹黑打压别国的政治目的,大搞疫情政治化、病毒污名化、溯源工具化,严重损害科学溯源和全球抗疫大局。 For some time, the US, in order to shift responsibility for its poor COVID-19 response and achieve the political motive of smearing and suppressing other countries, has pursued politicization and stigmatization and used origin-tracing as a tool. This has severely undermined science-based origin tracing and the global fight against COVID-19.
