2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
我也想说,衡量政治制度好坏的标准,是看它是否符合本国国情,能否带来政治稳定、社会进步、民生改善,能否获得本国人民拥护,能否为人类进步事业作贡献。有些国家以民主国家自居,但国内贫富分化、社会撕裂、种族对立、政治极化,难道这就是他们标榜的所谓“民主”?有的国家没有钞票就拿不到选票,党派利益凌驾于人民利益之上,这到底是民主政治还是金钱政治?有的国家肆意干涉别国内政,大肆甩锅推责,打压遏制别国发展,难道这就是所谓的“民主”吗?这到底是民主还是霸权? I would like to point out that, the yardstick to measure a political system lies in whether it suits the national conditions of a country, whether it brings about political stability, social progress and betterment of people"s livelihood, whether it is endorsed by its own people, and whether it makes contribution to the cause of human progress. Some self-proclaimed democracies are deeply troubled at home by wealth disparity, social division, racial divide and political polarization. Is that how their so-called democracy looks like? In some countries, it"s "no money, no vote" and partisan interests above public interests. Is that democratic politics or money politics? Some countries blatantly meddle in other countries" domestic affairs, shift blames, and suppress and contain other countries" development. Is this what the so-called democracy is all about? Is this democracy or actually hegemony?