2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
(11)Partnership attitude and behavior on TSMC’s part(台积电的合作态度和行为).

好,TSMC’s strategy is to be clearly superior to competitors in all above except(3),in order to earn a premium on(3)。(台积电的策略是在除低价以外的所有方面都明显优于竞争对手,以赚取溢价)
Do You remember what(3)is?Low price。We want a premium on Low price,we want to have the higher price。(你知道3是什么吗,是低价,我们希望获取更高的价格)
Our pricing strategy is to obtain a premium,but not lose the business(我们的订价策略是获得溢价,但不想失去业务)。
第二,To execute this strategy successfully, it’s essential to have an excellent relationship with the customer. The benchmark of that relationship is to have the “first and last look” with the customer(成功执行这个策略,要有一个良好的与客户之间的关系。这种关系的基准是是否与客户有“first and last look”).
有多少人了解“first and last look”是什么请举手,我不会去解释给你你们听,如果你还不知道,现在知道这个太晚了。(这里first and last look应当为台积电应拥有“优先看价权”和“最终看价权”即优先进行谈判协商和具有最后一次谈判协商的权利,需要和客户保持良好的关系才可拥有)