
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
3.3Step 3: developing a framework of nine conceptual dimensions of entrepreneurial methods
The framework shown in Fig. 1, with its disaggregation into three levels, allows for a structured review of entrepreneurial methods, which enhances the clarity and visibility across methods. As a result, the authors were able to more effectively identify patterns. For instance, having the level of logic in mind primed the authors to spot ideas about aspects of the venture creation process that corresponded to that particular level, namely providing and discussing ideas involving the cognitive aspects of the venture creation process (e.g., uncertainty management). The development of the framework of nine conceptual dimensions occurred in three stages. In the first stage, independent reviews took place over a period of 6 years, generating two different doctoral dissertations in which several conceptual dimensions for entrepreneurial methods were formulated (Mansoori 2015, p. 23–5; Lackéus 2016, p. 61). In the second stage, the independently formulated conceptual dimensions were integrated in five full-day workshops, during which the authors exchanged ideas to unite the frameworks. Some of the conceptual dimensions were merged to represent more inclusive dimensions. For instance, “nature of change”and "locus of agency” were merged to form”redirection power” Other dimensions were discarded, as they did not span a sufficientnumber of entrepreneurial methods. An example of a discarded dimension was “reliance on historical data”, an important aspect of planning.
