
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
On the level of logic, many of the reviewed methods advise that entrepreneurs cope with uncertainty (i.e., uncertainty management) by systematically drawing on what is already known and then determining what information needs to be gathered (i.e., knowledge expansion), effectively making use of available and necessary resources (i.e., resource management). Most methods emphasize the importance of letting the generated insights direct the forward momentum of the process in drastic ways if necessary (i.e., redirection power). In the lean startup methodology, a drastic turn triggered by insights is called a “pivot. ”On the level of model, several methods outline a cyclical model (i.e., iterative process) of learning from interactions (i.e.,continuous learning) with external stakeholders (i.e., stakeholder interaction). Effectuation (Wiltbank et al.2006, p. 992; Read et al. 2016, p. 195) and the lean startup methodology (Ries 2011, p. 81) both contain visualization of cyclical models. Design thinking suggests a more back-and-forth approach, also resulting in an iterative process (Rauth 2015, p. 20). On the level of tactics, some methods emphasize taking action throughteam-based efforts (i.e., team collaboration) to create value for external stakeholders (i.e., value creation). The lean startup method involves creating an MVP. Design thinking, on the other hand, hinges on the creation of a prototype,and in effectuation, a key objectiveis to secure the commitment of stakeholders. Next, the framework with its nine conceptual dimensions will be used to conduct a second round of comparisons of the six entrepreneurial methods.
