
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
4.9Value creation 价值创造
The last conceptual dimension concerns the creation of value for entrepreneurs and others who may benefit from the outcome of the venture creation process. Creation of value, regardless of its recipients, is often the ultimate goal of the entrepreneurial process (Bruyat and Julien 2001; Korsgaard and Anderson 2011). All entrepreneurial methods except for business planning put value creation at the center. They make the venture creation process conditional on providing value to entrepreneurs and their teams, to active stakeholders, and/or to users and customers. This does not imply that business planning activities and outcomes fail to create value for entrepreneurs. They indeed help create legitimacy and act as a marketing tool to attract investors(Brinckmann et al. 2010; Karlsson and Honig 2009).Rather, the activities as part of it are not designed primarily to provide explicit value to external stakeholders. While the prime beneficiaries of value in effectuation, is discovery-driven planning, prescriptive entrepreneurship, and the lean startup methodology are entrepreneurs and their collaborators, design thinking consumers (Martin 2009). Amid these subtle differences, Table 2 captures the role of value creation as an important factor for organizing new venture creation activities.
