
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
Du Fu, who wrote movingly about the suffering of common people, lost his loved ones to war and poverty. His youthful idealism slowly eroded under the weight of personal tragedy and political turmoil. From a promising young talent, he was transformed into a grief-stricken old man lamenting the cruelty of fate.
Gao Shi, the consummate warrior-poet, overcame years of setbacks before gaining recognition in his twilight years. But the long-awaited success could not compensate for the wasted prime of his life. His final loneliness poignantly reflected the eternal lament of human mortality.
Such bittersweet stories remind us that regret spares no one, not even the greatest exemplars of the human spirit. Behind towering figures often lie small, vulnerable human beings struggling against the current of destiny. Their grandeur and their pathos both stem from how nobly they coped with adversity and disappointment.
