2024-09-29 来源:旧番剧

波士顿大学比较文学系教授Petrus Liu在石英网(Quartz)的报道中阐释“江湖”的含义,称其自有一套“规矩”:
The word literally translates as“rivers and lakes,”but is typically used to mean people who live in a world parallel to conventional society, one that operates by its own laws and code of ethics. It is closely linked to another wuxia term, the wulin, or “martial arts forest,” referring to a community of people practicing martial arts.

《纽约客》(The New Yorker)强调了江湖是远离朝廷管辖的灰色地带。
These characters travel through the jianghu, which literally translates as “rivers and lakes,” but metaphorically refers to an alluvial underworld of hucksters and heroes beyond the reach of the imperial government.