
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
4.5Iterative process 迭代过程
The sixth conceptual dimension relates to the temporal and evolving nature of entrepreneurial models. Entrepreneurship is a dynamic process that requires flexibility and constant adaptation (Bruyat and Julien 2001). All entrepreneurial methods, with the exception of business planning, describe models that allow entrepreneurs to react to new information and environmental conditions in dynamic and iterative ways. Regardless of the fact that these models could be understood as heuristics or algorithm-based, there is an explicit circular and repetitive aspect to them that suggests a continuous revising of assumptions and the reinvention of the process as new information is unearthed (cf. Argyris 1976). A major difference between the models proposed in these methods is what triggers the restarting of the process. In effectuation, the restart occurs when new stakeholders join the process, bringing with them a new set of means and expanding the set of possible futures tocreate(Sarasvathy 2003).Inthe other iterative models, the restart is triggered when new information is acquired through external sources as well as when the entrepreneur intuits a need to revise key assumptions. A subtle difference between methods is an emphasis on iteration. The lean startup methodology, design thinking, and effectuation are fundamentally grounded in iterative processes, whereas discovery-driven planning and prescriptive entrepreneurship include relatively minor feedback loops that may or may not result in iterative processes.
