
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
4.8Team collaboration 团队合作
The eighth conceptual dimension speaks to the role that individuals with complementary and diverse skill sets play as team members in an entrepreneurial process. Team-based efforts are increasingly emphasized in entrepreneurship research as a means to elicit and capitalizeona larger set of heterogeneous competencies(Klotzet al. 2014; Lechler 2001; Harper 2008). An important difference observed among the methods pertains to ideas about teams. In effectuation, the team boundaries are highly fluid and dynamic. Anyone who commits resources can be considered a team member and can play a role in the future of the venture. The group that forms is referred to as the “network of stakeholders,”which is in many ways similar to what some of the other entrepreneurial methods label as a “team.” Effectuating individuals are difficult to replace, as they have key roles in shaping the direction of the venture. These roles emanate from the idiosyncratic qualities these individuals possess (Sarasvathy and Dew 2005b). Design thinking, the lean startup methodology, and prescriptive entrepreneurship view teams differently. They regard them as a group of individuals with complementary skill sets who become responsible for specific aspects of the venture creation process based on their unique skills (Fiet2008 Brown 2008; Blankand Dorf 2012). Inthese methods, most team members can be replaced by individuals who possess similar competencies. A key difference is that teams are more important in designthinking and less important in prescriptive entrepreneurship and the lean startup methodology. In discoverydriven planning and business planning, no explicit advice on teamwork or on necessity for collective efforts could be identified.
