
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
4.7Stakeholder interaction 利益相关者之间的互动
The seventh conceptual dimension refers to the reliance on interactions with others. While it remains largely under-researched, intersubjectivity has had a central position in thinking about entrepreneurship (Sarasvathy and Venkataraman 2011). Entrepreneurs interact intensively with those who are directly involved in the process in various capacities as well as with more peripheral stakeholders who indirectly impact the direction of the venture creation process (Hart and Sharma 2004). Discovery-driven planning, prescriptive entrepreneurship, and business planning do not provide advice about stakeholder interaction. Instead, they focus on activities to be completed by the focal entrepreneur, that is, the entrepreneur who ownsthe initial idea and process and has the largest impact on the direction of the new venture (cf. Kotha and George 2012).In effectuation, the lean startup methodology and design thinking interactions with stakeholders comprise important sources of feedback and new information (cf. Lundvall 1992; Tunisini and Zanfei 1998). These interactions constitute a large proportion of key activities, especially in the early stages of the new venture development. In the lean startup methodology and designthinking, stakeholders are defined as users, consumers, and customers who provide valuable insights that can be incorporated into and contribute to the evolution of the venture idea. It is noteworthy that these entrepreneurial methods limit the involvemen to fusers and customersto soliciting feedback; in other words, they recommend keeping them at arm’s length. In contrast, effectuation regards stakeholders quite differently. Effectuation scholars define active stakeholders as any individuals who commit resources; these stakeholders are participating in the collective process of shaping the destiny of the new venture.
