
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Significant Achievements
According to a report by the Center for the Future of Teaching & Learning at WestEd, heads of school hold the keys of maintaining and increasing school effectiveness as front-line administrators under both policy and financial pressures. Especially during tough times, it is critical for school principals to maintain morale, rally teachers, staff, and the entire school community around common goals. [7] Empirical research shows that principals are second only to teachers in many school factors affecting student achievement. [8] So what does a principal need to do to promote student learning and support teachers? Some studies have suggested that the principal"s central role mainly includes the following aspects: [9]
Creating opportunities for collaboration and building a culture of trust. A common assertion is that principals need to be instructional leaders.
Creating high expectations for adults and students alike. Such collaborative structures work best, and teachers are most motivated, when school leaders create high expectations for student learning.
