
2024-06-14 来源:旧番剧
北京冬奥会是全球冬奥运动员和冰雪运动爱好者的盛会,不是政治作秀和搞政治操弄的舞台。一届成功精彩的奥运会需要的是冬奥大家庭的共同努力,而不取决于个别国家官员是否出席。我们希望个别国家摆正自己的位置。而且根据奥运规则,各国政要出席奥运会是由本国奥委会发出邀请。 Wang Wenbin: The Beijing Winter Olympics is a gathering of Olympic athletes and winter sports lovers across the world, not a stage for political posturing and manipulation. A successful and splendid Games relies on the concerted efforts of the big Winter Olympics family, not on the attendance of a handful of countries’ government officials. We hope certain countries can avoid overplaying their hands. Besides, according to Olympic rules, foreign dignitaries can attend the Olympic Games at the invitation of their respective national Olympic committees.
美国等个别国家一些人拿冬奥会做文章,将是否派政府官员出席北京冬奥会的决定同所谓人权问题挂钩,实质是打着人权旗号进行抹黑炒作,将体育政治化。这明显违背《奥林匹克宪章》特别是“体育运动政治中立”原则,与“更团结”的奥林匹克新格言更是背道而驰。这注定将受到国际社会的坚决反对。 The US and a handful of countries make an issue out of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and link their officials’ attendance with so-called human rights issues. This is in essence a smearing campaign in the name of defending human rights. Such act of politicizing sports obviously violates the Olympic Charter, especially the principle of “political neutrality” of sports, and runs counter to the new Olympic motto of “together”. This is bound to be met with firm opposition from the international community.
