
2024-06-14 来源:旧番剧
两个月来,国际社会积极呼应有关倡议,联合国秘书长古特雷斯表示,全球发展倡议对促进全球平等和平衡可持续发展具有重要积极意义,联合国方面完全支持,愿同中方就此加强合作。今年10月,中国—太平洋岛国外长会联合声明指出,太平洋岛国欢迎全球发展倡议,愿意支持和加入这一重要倡议,并将该倡议同太平洋可持续发展路线图和蓝色太平洋2050战略相衔接。此次中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年纪念峰会再次将全球发展倡议纳入成果文件,充分说明全球发展倡议顺应世界各国发展大势,契合广大发展中国家需求,彰显了强大的生命力和感召力,获得国际社会高度认同。 Over the past two months, the international community has responded warmly to the initiative. UN Secretary-General AntonioGuterressaid that it is of significant and positive importance to promoting global equality and balanced, sustainable development. The UN fully supports it and is ready to enhance cooperation with China in this regard. The Joint Statement of China-Pacific Island Countries Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in October said that Pacific Islandcountries welcome this important initiative,stand ready to support and join it and seeksynergy between it and the Pacific Roadmap for sustainable development and the 2050Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent. The inclusion of the Global Development Initiative into the outcome document of the ASEAN-China Special Summit to Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations again fully proves that this initiative conforms to the trend of development in all countries, meets the needs of developing countries, shows strong vitality and appeal, and has won high recognition from the international community.
