
2024-06-14 来源:旧番剧
Wang Wenbin: On November 26, the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting for the first time held dedicated discussions on the AUKUS nuclear submarine cooperation, a new agenda item suggested by China.
中方代表在会上全面阐述了中方立场,指出美英澳三国合作以意识形态划线,打造新的军事集团,推高军事冲突风险,将加剧地缘紧张,是典型的“冷战”思维。美英两个核武器国家向澳大利亚这个无核武器国家转让成吨的核武器材料,而且国际原子能机构现行保障监督安排无法实施有效监管,这明显违反了《不扩散核武器条约》的目的和宗旨。三国合作暴露了其在核不扩散问题上赤裸裸地奉行双重标准,将导致其他无核武器国家群起效尤,对地区核热点问题的解决造成严重负面影响。 The Chinese representative elaborated on China’s position at the meeting, pointing out that along ideological lines, the US, the UK and Australia have set up a new military bloc, heightened theriskofmilitaryconflicts, and will increase geopolitical tensions. It is a typical illustration of the ColdWarmentality.The US and the UK, two nuclear weapon states, are set to transfer tons of nuclear weapons materials to Australia, a non-nuclear-weapon state. The existing IAEA safeguards arrangement cannot effectively monitor the transfer. This is in explicit violation of the objectand purposes of the NPT. The trilateral cooperation exposes the three countries’ flagrant double standard on the nuclear non-proliferation issue and will spur other non-nuclear-weapon states to follow suit and cause seriously negative impact to the settlement of regional nuclear hotspot issues.
