
2024-06-14 来源:旧番剧
中方从政治、法律和技术层面提出50多个问题,指出三国合作的非法性和危害性,我们期待美英澳三方对这些问题做出正面回答。中方并建议国际原子能机构尽早成立所有成员国均可参加的特别委员会,妥善寻求各方均可接受的解决办法。在各方就此达成共识之前,美英澳不得推进相关合作,机构秘书处也不得擅自同三国商讨所谓的核潜艇合作保障监督安排。 The Chinese side raised more than50 questionsfor deliberations in the political, legal and technical aspects and pointed out the illegality and danger of the trilateral cooperation. We hope that the US, the UK and Australia will give explicit answers to these questions. China also proposed establishing a specialcommittee open to all Member Statesof the IAEA to properly seek a solution acceptable to all parties. China maintains that, pending a proper formula worked out by all,the US, the UK and Australiashould not go ahead with relevantcooperation andthe Secretariat of the IAEA should not proceed on its own to negotiate the relevant safeguards arrangementwith the three countries.
理事会成员对中方的发言反应热烈。俄罗斯、埃及、巴基斯坦、马来西亚、伊朗、古巴等10多个国家发言支持中方立场和主张,还有许多国家对美英澳核潜艇合作表达了关切。 The Chinese side’s statement was warmly received by members of the IAEA Board of Governors. A dozen countries, including Russia, Egypt, Pakistan, Malaysia, Iran and Cuba, spoke up in support of China’s position and propositions. Many countries also expressed concerns over the AUKUS nuclear submarine cooperation.
