
2024-06-14 来源:旧番剧
在会后举行的联合记者会上,中、俄代表重申,美英澳核潜艇合作危及国际核不扩散机制、全球战略平衡与稳定以及战后国际安全秩序。俄方代表指出,如果澳大利亚获得大批武器级核材料,将严重冲击国际核不扩散体系。三国合作不仅违反全面保障监督协定相关准则,也将对美俄《新削减战略武器条约》、《南太平洋无核区条约》造成严重消极影响。三国对国际社会隐瞒核潜艇合作进展,极其不透明,必须及时通报有关情况。 At the joint press conference after the meeting, the Chinese and Russian representatives reiterated that the trilateral nuclear submarine cooperation under AUKUS endangers the integrity of the international non-proliferation regime, the global strategic equilibrium and post-war international security order. The Russian side noted that if Australia obtains a large amount of weapons-grade nuclear materials, it will seriously impact the international nuclear non-proliferation regime. The AUKUS cooperation not only violates the relevant norms of comprehensive safeguards agreements, but will also have a serious negative impact on the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty and the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty. Thethree countries concealed the progress of nuclear submarine cooperation from the international community, which is extremely non-transparent. They must report the relevant situation in a timely manner.
