
2024-06-14 来源:旧番剧
需要强调指出的是,国际原子能机构理事会增设有关美英澳核潜艇合作的议题,反映了广大机构理事会成员国对此事的严重关切,是朝着妥善解决相关问题迈出的正确一步。中方敦促三国倾听国际社会呼声,撤销有关错误决定,重视履行国际核不扩散义务,多做有利于地区和平稳定的事。 I need to stress that the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting’s setting up of the new agenda item of the AUKUS nuclear submarine cooperation reflects the serious concerns of the agency’s members over this matter, which marks a right step forward toward the proper settlement of the issue. China urges the three countries to heed the call of the international community, rescind their wrong decision, set store by their non-proliferation obligations and do more that is conducive to regional peace and stability.
Prasar Bharati:As per Pakistani media reports, last week, there were protests in the Gwadar region regarding the excessive fishing rights given to Chinese trawlers on the coast of the Gwadar Port, which said that it’s not benefiting the local population and has adversely affected the local fisherman. Do you have any comments on this?
