
2024-06-14 来源:旧番剧
Wang Wenbin: On November 26, the topping-out ceremony of the main structure of the China-aided Africa CDC Headquarters Phase I Project was held in the southern suburb of Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa. The project, which started in December 2020, has a total floorarea of 23,500 square meters. You can imagine thatit is a hard-won achievement. Within one year, despite the impact of COVID-19, the Chinese workers and local staff worked in close coordinationto pull it through. This is a strong testament to the deepening China-Africa cooperation. Upon completion, the project will become the first Africa CDC with modern offices and laboratories and sophisticated facilities on the African Continent. It will make an important contribution to strengthening epidemic prevention and control in Africa.
中方始终奉行真实亲诚对非政策理念和正确义利观,同非洲国家在发展道路上团结合作、携手同行。新冠肺炎疫情无法阻挡中非合作的脚步。非洲疾控中心总部大楼项目的顺利封顶,就是疫情形势下中非兄弟情谊和友好合作精神的真实写照。疫情发生以来,中方第一时间驰援非洲,目前已累计向非方提供了近2亿剂新冠疫苗,援助了120批次抗疫物资,覆盖非洲53个国家和非盟。中方积极支持减轻非洲国家债务负担,已同19个非洲国家签署了缓债协议或就此达成共识。 China always follows the principle of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith and of pursuing the greater good and shared interests in its policies on Africa, and works with African countries in solidarity and cooperation on the path of development. COVID-19 has not stopped China-Africa cooperation from making progress. The successful topping-out of the Africa CDC Headquarters building project is a vivid illustration of the brotherly friendship and the spirit of friendly cooperation between China and Africa in the face of the pandemic. After COVID-19 brokeout, China rushed to Africa’s assistance. We have provided nearly 200 million doses of vaccines to Africa and delivered 120 batches of anti-epidemic supplies to 53 African countries and the African Union. China also actively supports efforts to reduce the debt burden of African countries and has signed agreements or reached consensus on debt suspension with 19 African countries.
